The Studio CEO: Business Coaching For Yoga & Pilates Teachers & Studio Owners

Q&A Episode: Managing Money, Sleeping, Staying Focused and Never Being Pushy

Jackie Murphy Episode 212

Send Jackie A Message!

If you don't follow me on Instagram yet, make sure you do now! @thebusinessofyoga

From time to time, I'll ask you to let me know what questions you have, and create an entire podcast episode around the answers - which is exactly what we're doing today.

These episodes give me chance to share more behind-the-scenes info about who I am and how I run my business.  

And you get answers to the specific questions on your mind!

Question 1: "P+L / Good finance standards to follow?"

Question 2: "Tell us about your relationship with sleep"

Question 3: "Where's the balance between being bold and being pushy when having an initial conversation with leads"

Question 4: "Do you get distracted? What do you do to pull back into consistency, focus and what matters?"


  • Finance standards for your Yoga Business, what to track, and how to evaluate it
  • My personal approach to and mindset around sleep 
  • How to talk to potential clients without being pushy 
  • How I use planning to stay focused in my business while still staying open to new ideas, and how I decide what matters most 
  • My strategy for staying focused throughout each day (and what I do when I get distracted!)

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