The Studio CEO: Business Coaching For Yoga & Pilates Teachers & Studio Owners

Q&A Episode: Strategies, Challenges, and the Yoga Boss Mindset

Jackie Murphy Episode 201

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Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 201, “Q&A Strategies, Challenges, and the Yoga Boss Mindset.”

In this episode, I answer a series of questions related to concerns and challenges you're facing in the yoga industry.

When to quit a full-time job to pursue a career in yoga.

How to manage workshop requests at your studio.

How to deal with the issue of clients trying to negotiate pricing.

What to post on social media other than yoga poses.

The importance of business strategies and adopting a yoga boss mindset for success.

I also share some of my favorite business books for listeners to explore.

In this episode, I answer your questions about the business of yoga  based on questions submitted by listeners.   


  • Join The Grow Mastermind waitlist here.
  • The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.
  • Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
  • The importance of adopting a yoga boss mindset.
  • Business book recommendations to further your study on the topics discussed today.

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