The Studio CEO: Business Coaching For Yoga & Pilates Teachers & Studio Owners

Grow Your Yoga Business This December

Jackie Murphy Episode 199

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Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 199, “Grow Your Business This December.”
In this episode, I talk about growing your business this December.
Schedule work hours on your calendar with details of what you will be working on and why.
Decide on the results you will get from the scheduled work you put on your calendar.
Create an experience your students will want to talk about and share with their network.
Start talking about the offers you plan to introduce in January in December.

Build excitement for your future offer so your audience is excited ahead of time when the offer launches.
In this episode, we talk about the three important things you can do in December to promote business growth.


  • The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.
  • Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
  • The importance of surprising and delighting your customers.
  • The importance of talking about your offer before it is available.

Work with Jackie Murphy

Start with the Pack Your Classes Challenge
Learn about The Business of Yoga Program
Apply for the Mastermind