The Studio CEO: Business Coaching For Yoga & Pilates Teachers & Studio Owners

The Truth Of Business

Jackie Murphy

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So many of the Yoga Boss Podcast episodes give you massive information in the form of actions to take and strategies to employ.

In fact, in one of my most popular masterclasses (How to Grow Your Yoga Business on Instagram), I give you step-by-step guide for exactly what to do in your IG Stories, what to post, etc. Grab your Free Ticket for the next masterclass on April 15!

Today, I want to convey the MOST important thing when it comes to creating results in your business. Because it's not just actions you take.

The limitations you face in your business will be predominantly created in your mind. The wins you experience will be too!

Your mind is like a projector. The thoughts you're thinking will project out onto reality.

Today, we're diving into how to understand your thoughts, how to best respond to 6 common limiting fears, and how to build a mindset that will set you up to create AND experience success in your business.
Thinking like a business owner is a business skill that you have to acquire.

This is the first step!


  • What happens in your business when you truly understand your mind and your beliefs
  • The breakdown of where different thoughts come from in your brain
  • The 6 key fears to look out for as potential "oversensitive smoke alarm" thoughts 
  • How to turn "I can't" into "How can I?"

Get more!

Work with Jackie Murphy

Start with the Pack Your Classes Challenge
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